The threat actor posted a sample of stolen data on the dark web, consisting of customers’ personal and billing information.
As with other products, Microsoft will likely offer some extended security updates even after the end-of-life date in October ...
In a consent decree negotiated between the agency and the telco, T-Mobile also promised to more heavily invest in ...
CISOs must now cope with a welter of emerging EU and disparate US state laws after Governor Gavin Newsom rejected ...
Only about 2% of enterprises said they have effective cyber resilience actions across the organization, while the rest cited ...
With security software and services spending surging more quickly than budgets, CISOs are becoming risk management ...
Platforms hope by combining, their reach can be expanded, and that the merger ‘will strengthen both organizations' ability to ...
Several vulnerabilities can be chained together to remotely register rogue printers and execute commands as root on many ...
To that end, Avangrid recently partnered with a state fusion cell – a government office where public agencies and private ...
The flaw allows a rogue user to escape their container and access entire file systems of the underlying host to perform code ...
The global HVAC and fire systems manufacturer’s network of internal volunteers works in conjunction with the cyber team’s ...