In his talk with Belarus 1 TV channel, the Deputy Minister of Sports and Tourism, Oleg Andreichik, listed the most popular and promising ...
The First News TV Channel will become a powerful weapon in the information war against the West – as stated by Chairman of the ...
A series of meetings of the Head of State with students of various specialties from various universities countrywide is planned – as ...
Anatoly Buben, the Head of the Minsk FEZ Administration, and Charge d'Affaires of Italy in Belarus Tomaso Pietro Marchegiani held a ...
Western countries have emptied their stocks of military equipment and weapons as part of their assistance to Ukraine, UK Parliamentary ...
Western countries continue to create tension on the western borders of the Union State in order to provoke an armed incident and create ...
Military conflicts in the Middle East will end when the United States and European countries leave the region – as stated by Iran’s ...
American-style competition: beat your own people to make the whole world feel scaredThe countries of the collective West today ...
In a conversation with pranksters Vovan (Vladimir Kuznetsov) and Lexus (Alexey Stolyarov), who introduced themselves as former president ...
The Estonian Justice Ministry intends to propose to the Government of the country to sell prisons and rent out places there for foreign ...
The West has long established a two-circuit political model of governance in different countries, where politicians do not make any ...
The Minsk Automobile Works (MAZ) will significantly expand the range of manufactured vehicles by 2030, MAZ Director General Valery ...